Bear 07/06/2023 (Thu) 15:49 No.1329 del
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I was uncomfortably warm in the lab at work for no reason and now I'm soaking in sweat back in my office and freezing. I'm serious it wasn't hot in the lab, I don't get it.

I have to go back to the lab soon so no point in changing. It was just weird. It's maybe 70 outside, overcast because it's always overcast in the morning.

The lady down the street that I affectionately call Grandma though there's no relation, said she wanted me to have her old car. It's a good car actually, newer and lower miles than my current beater. She said not yet but wants me to drive it around so the battery won't die. I believe that she'll give it to me but I don't believe it'll happen in less than 5 years so I hesitate to agree to drive it around because basically I'm doing work, taking time to do that. She doesn't want her own son-in-law to drive it? I don't understand her sometimes. She actually delicately helped me when I was depressed 5 years ago so she's a good person.

This'll be the 4th car I was "given" for no reason other than inheritance and because they know I'll take care of it. They know I'm a car guy. Two of these weren't worth much but they were solid, the third is the one I'm driving now that my ex gave to me.

So why would my ex give me her car? Mostly because I took care of it and she got a new one. Dealers won't give you shit for a trade in anyway.

I wanted to buy a car but I keep getting cars given to me.

[Ashley] That was "Bear complains about getting free stuff", hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.