Yakumo 03/30/2023 (Thu) 02:08 No.133 del
Everything you said about Germany is unfortunately true. We had it all and threw it away. Now we're being replaced by aggressive oriental migrants who are much more competitive and will survive all hardships our decadent native society can't.

Also there is no ideal state of society, just concepts that work better or worse in a certain environment and there's always a trade-off between pros and cons. Mafia-like structures are among the most stable and resilient which is why they are so hard to eradicate once established. You could say they are in full imagistic mode, literally the paleolithic hunter community bound together by blood pacts and archaic rituals. These people are strong and the system is highly convergent as any deviation from rules is severely punished.

I also think most people are strongly influenced by the societies and peer-groups they live in which act as an extrinsic superego that is stronger than the intrinsic one we use here to control and shape the BodyOS. This requires a high level of self-control and self-awareness which many people simply do not possess. Our concept of individuality is strongly western, other societies are largely extrinsically motivated by peer pressure. Meaning I do not commit a crime because I would bring shame to my family and tribe and get punished, not because my own moral compass tells me it's wrong.
This works as long as society is intact but if such people migrate to a place where the peer pressure controlling their urges is missing, things often go south. We see that here daily where disrooted young men or even children from archaic communities kill rob and rape like there is no tomorrow. Something they would not do in their native societies because of the consequences.

In my experience true individuals with a deep personality are rare. Most people are NPCs who merely react to external stimuli and repeat opinions they've snapped up elsewhere. They are utterly lost without their peer group telling them what to think and do, just like the BodyOS when it encounters an unfamiliar situation.