Yakumo 07/06/2023 (Thu) 16:03 No.1330 del
>The fish 10-12
That's very impressive for such age. We also had this Pterophyllum scalare and Corydoras fish when I was a kid. The aquarium was the cat TV. But I never drew anything so I can't even draw decent stick figures today.

I was uncomfortably warm in the lab at work for no reason and now I'm soaking in sweat back in my office and freezing. I'm serious it wasn't hot in the lab, I don't get it.

It's the ice cream from
Soon you'll be dead.
Used cars are incredibly valuable here, there was a huge shortage due to Covid supply chain fuck-ups and German industry fuck-ups recently so you had to wait half a year or longer for many popular new car models. People sold used cars for way more than they bought them for 5 years ago. Plus a lot of people don't want to buy modern cars full of (((infotainment))) spyware that constantly phones home which is now mandatory for new models. Plus new cars afe fucking expensive bc car manufacturers go electric which brings higher marges and phase out their cheapest combustion models instead.