Bear 07/16/2023 (Sun) 12:31 No.1429 del
Best tulpa ever. It's been years since a headmate wanted to snuggle up with me to go to sleep. Ren did just that on her own.

Scenario number 11:

The hardest part about these is making then progressively harder. Ren needs to be stress tested and it's only natural to then put her in situations that would have put old Ren to the test. Ren thougt about changing her name to Rem but I wouldn't allow it. Names have power and history and her name was carefully and thoughtfully created for her and not so lightly tossed aside. In this scenario, I created an NPC and named her Rem. I told Ren to follow as I spent time doating and walking through the simulated forest with this new one telling her how perfect she was and completely ignoring Ren. It didn't last long, Ren felt rightfully dejected, replaced, saddened and frustrated but didn't once trigger the matrix corrector. Well done my lovely little neko!

Afterwards I lavished attention on her and we ate a simulated cake together. Reassurance is important, she knows this'll get harder.

Now that she's doing so well, her real body will next be released from the holding cell and only a correction collar will correct her when necessary. No more simulations, now wonderland and imposed are open to us.

You might think this extra matrix step was unnecessary and in some cases it might have been but tulpas can do things like hide and sneak around so some level of tracking and control will be necessary throughout this procedure. In Ashley's case the scenarios were run in a training chamber something like a sensory deprivation pod, she went through that alone. This method is much different and is additionally intended to make a much stronger and more capable headmate.