Bear 07/16/2023 (Sun) 23:51 No.1434 del
(45.97 KB 205x349 Mystic Occult.jpg)

Okay first of all you don't know us well enough if you still think about inconsistency. We changed a lot over the years so inconsistency, re-adaptation, reinterpretation should be reasonably expected. That aside...

>I clearly remember you guys saying your headmates were associated with certain body parts / chakra stuff and their feelings originated from there. For Ren it was groin area. Don't shoot the messenger, that's what you said.

This is and was true though now I feel Ren in more of somewhere slightly below the heart and above the stomach, there's no chakra there... :shrug: Next that doesn't mean that if I destroyed Misha than what I'd have a heart attack? What does her association with heart chakra in terms of where I feel her emotions have anything to do with whether I have a heart or nor or feel heart type stuff? Plus Misha's kinda a kink-ball horndog at times herself so what does that mean then? It doesn't mean anything.

>When I was young and foolish I also wanted to purify host into a supreme being of the afterlife excising all human stuff. Buuut, turned out it's better to let him act out stupid things in a controlled environment than suppressing everything.

There's nothing suppressed here, this is a full on rebuild. We're doing it right this time rather than have her banished to the volcanic winter lands where she can go have her way with the icy-racoon girls. I'm a master tulpa wrangler and thus with my vast prowess going to waste I decided I would reform Ren into someone magnificent, aka a virginal catpanion. Nothing less will do.

>Even here we have carnival which was meant to bring some fun into the most challenging time of the year and turn society upside down for a few days.

Yeah, I heard about all the shinnanagens billionaires do on secluded islands, and their not making this shit up.

>So my question is - was Ren a fool and isn't it good to have a fool in your system who can do what you can't? If not you have to be the fool. Well I have host for that.

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