Bear 07/17/2023 (Mon) 18:43 No.1443 del

>I sense a lack of trust.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Actual quote
>Lucid dream time, finally fuck yeah!

>Lucid dream time, finally fuck, yeah!

Was dissapoint.

Nice dream nonetheless. The princess was obviously conditioned not to attempt an escape...

But seriously me thinking this is a sex dream with your host, intrigued and ready for cringe but prepared to congratulate the two lovebirds. Then you're talking about a princess and I'm like... girl on girl? No way, gotta get a gay meme loaded. Princess runs away now knights enter and I'm all, "is host going to get cucked by his own dreammind holy shit." At the edge of my seat, ready to see this bad porno play out, maybe host is a knight? Could be gang bang, sounds awfully like a train wreck, can't look away then... then... then... felt jipped frankly.

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