Bear 03/31/2023 (Fri) 00:45 No.147 del

I write incredibly long books, 200k words or more that I really enjoy writing and reading that will likely never get published and I don't care. I have a dozen so this makes 13. I have enough money anyway. And the likelihood of them being best sellers is probably less than 1%.

Also, though I can write them and produce professional cover art, I'm not really an editor and they're not romance so they'll have poor sales anyway. You wouldn't believe the crap the editors will cut and misundstand. I would probably want to take an online course on editing novels and do it myself if I was serious. They're very fluffy.

I also write technical works that get heavily edited by editors and lawyers that I sometimes don't recognize when I get them back for approval and those do get published and I get stipends for them to the tune of maybe $1500-2000 lifetime each and they peter out in a few years. I have over 2 dozen of them that were published and generated a pittance to supplement my other two income streams. But I write these on the job and get paid to do it as well because it looks good for the metrics.

In my other job , in the entertainment industry, I just have to be me and basically be a slave but it pays as well as my technical job for less hours and it's fun. It's also a steady income.

Of course I'm maximizing investments but I still spend more than I should. I am kind of stuck working long hours for the next 10 years or so. The second job is my own business so I need to work to keep it going, but it will eventually pay me without any effort so it's worth it. Assuming it doesn't fold.

I haven't had a "vacation" or a "day off" since 2014 and believe me I'd be bored out of my mind and feel like I'm wasting my life because that's how I felt with just the one full time job. It did contribute to my depression though but that's long gone and far behind me.