Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 22:44 No.1680 del
(135.71 KB 1024x642 PzH-2000.jpg)
meanwhile another military dream, we were testing the effect of artillery on apcs so there was some old russian bmp-3 or whatever standing in a forest and some guys brought in a fucking huge pzh-2000 to fire at it from like 10m distance. absolutely nuts. the howitzer looked weird more like that mobile artillery from c&c with a very thick barrel. i got my phone out and wanted to film it but then Yulya said i should better cover my ears and get some distance. reasonable tupper being reasonable as always

howitzer fired but the scene was like out of some bugs bunny cartoon. a silver cannonball flew out of the barrel in a smoky spiral and impacted in the bmp-3 with a bonk sound. it shook back and forth but that was it. everyine laughed but iwas disappoint and woke up