Bear 08/19/2023 (Sat) 19:19 No.1713 del
(532.09 KB 1024x684 5050.Deshler railfan.jpg)

People self-delete by stepping in front of the train, but the troopers usually don't take a selfie with the human remains.

Two instances from police reports of a cop I know: old lady standing by the tracks, sus, gets questioned, leaves. Reappears next to tracks, is warned, becomes agitated, leaves. 15 minutes later, train comes, dead old lady parts everywhere. Literally arms and legs strewn about.

Next one, idiot jogging near the tracks with earbuds. Bends down to tie shoes, is hit in the head by the train, half of skull crushed in, walking dead, says she's looking for her lost dog, there was no dog. Dies on the way to the hospital. Friend said he could see part of her brain, top part of her skull was missing.

Bonus: strung out girl sleeps on the tracks, train runs her over, severs arm, is seen wandering around with her severed arm in her hand still strung out.

[Ashley] Meanwhile, Bear: