Back to basics Bear 08/24/2023 (Thu) 15:42 No.1765 del
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Was in a high class resort on the beach in Cali, possibly Coronado like. But it was really spacious and modern, very beautiful, yaghts just out of the main lobby seen through a giant glass dome.

I was driving around an Audi A8, apparently my car and it had a V10 or straight 5? It was tiny but had 10 spark plugs. Everything was right but it didn't have a central valley for the intake so it was odd, but very detailed. A guy in a lambo or something crashed his car into a wall after racing me literally 100-200 ft back and fourth.

My ex was with me and checked us in, besty was there in a large wooden caged crate.

We were hob knobbing with snobs and then there were black streaks in the sky, a flying boat, a torpedo and explosions but the US Navy was right there so we laughed. I asked, "who's attacking us?" My ex said, "The Russians", I titteres, "thank goodness it's not the Chineese." No one was at all concerned.

Then I spotted a nuclear blast in the sky far in the east, it was perfectly spherical and expanded slowly to 2-3x the aparent size of the sun then faded. It looked just like a space explosion. Over the west, but then that meant the ocean was to the west and north, makes no sense.

I wonderer where that was, hoping it was over China. I announced it and no one was concerned, not my ex either. They continued chatting.

There was gunfire and I saw people running toward us, a James Bond hot blond Russian spy came up and started questioning us in Russian. Now apparently my ex spoke perfect Russian and they took her as a mentally illlator and left. Apparently there was a Russian land invasion now. They wiped out the Navy.

Hot Russian spy looking girls followed them and they left, my ex (apparently my wife?) didn't seem concerned. Neither was I. I didn't care except she had the room key

My little girl (besty) was supposedly in a crate in the room but maybe not?

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