Yakumo 08/30/2023 (Wed) 21:13 No.1830 del
(76.74 KB 768x768 Swastika Buddha.jpg)
Are we a self-help group for parents now?
Anyway, I'm reeally glad I don't have to deal with kids in the modern world. And I'm even more glad I'm not a kid anymore. Honestly, if you're living in a somewhat urban modern western environment, kids are fucked anyway. You either give in to the social media mayhem with +20hr screen time per day or become an outcast loser detached from society (like me). So I get your point, it's just not realistic to keep kids away from the screen because the modern world pretty much is on that screen. If she's not on social media or plays online games she's already a weirdo.

I've seen many parents trying to shield their kids from the madness of the world - which is understandable but inevitably sooner or later leads to disaster.

Paracelsus famously said "Sola dosis facit venenum" and he's right. You need to know about the poison and in low doses it may even have positive effects. In the end it's all about the dose whether something is good or bad. That also goes for drugs even if we both don't like it.

Bottom line - the essential skill for succeeding in life is self-control. Knowing when to stop. If you know when to stop you can get away with ridiculously stupid shit. If you don't, well, you'll get the Darwin Award. Natural selection. But it's still better than taking my path of staying away from everything and playing Buddha sitting under a tree for 200 years. I can't recommend it. Moderation is the key.