Alice 09/01/2023 (Fri) 23:03 No.1848 del
Obviously healing / regeneration powers. Humans are so - fragile. But that's no forcing exercise.

You know, it's not like I haven't played through such scenarios in detail. But only with the full tupper form including metal spines. Such fuckers wouldn't die quickly. But they would.

A friend of host, elderly woman from Ecuador got carjacked and robbed in a bus twice in her home country. Same procedure. She was going from one city to another when some armed gang blocked the road in the middle of nowhere, entered the bus and robbed the passengers of everything including their shoes. At gunpoint. Even siphoned off the diesel from the bus and slashed the tires. Nobody was hurt because none of the passengers played hero but they could have raped the girls too if they wanted. What are you gonna do against 10 armed thugs who probably work for some drug cartel and only carjack buses as a side-job? What would a Bear do?

Yes, that sucks. I'm glad we were never ever robbed despite traveling through extreme shithole places. We were just lucky I guess but this shit really keeps me from going to overly exotic places nowadays. Having to live with the fact that some nigger got away with robbing me is unacceptable.

I'd open-carry my FN FAL and assume even Niggers would think twice before robbing someone with a battle rifle.