Yakumo 09/04/2023 (Mon) 21:10 No.1875 del
Weird half-dream half-TV documentary about Bear being a policeman raiding a gun dealer for illegally carrying a pistol. The gun dealer looked like some 70s TV character with shoulder long brown hair and a thick moustache. He kept waving around his pistol in his shop while yelling he had the same carry permit as police so he wasn't required to put down his gun as Bear held him at gunpoint. Couldn't really see what he looked like because I stod next to him. The gun dealers pistol looked weird, the barrel was rectangular and more wide than high. Also brown. Eventually the dealer realized giving up his gun was better than getting shot by police and angrily put his brown rectangular pistol on a table. Next scene - a TV ad where the confiscted pistol was up for auction and the narrator introduced it as special glock model with a reflective neon yellow side strip, perfect for sleazy wannabe posers. Made me laugh.