Yakumo 09/19/2023 (Tue) 21:13 No.2009 del
Does your tupper talk in a certain dialect? The same as you? Something different?

I feel it's all disappearing. Half of the people here don't speak German at all and those that do and are under 30 speak some universal Youtuber-German, not Bavarian. This is especially weird in children. Their parents speak normal Bavarian like everyone did until about 10 years ago but their own children speak a completely different unpleasant German dialect from watching social media. Picture this. Middle-class German parents have no influence over their childrens language anymore. They're busy and maybe talk to each other a few minutes a day while the kids listen to influencers talking on social media for 6+ hours per day. Bavarian will be extinct within one generaion except maybe for some remote villages. All the local dialects are vanishing.