Anonymous 09/19/2023 (Tue) 22:06 No.2010 del

>listen to influencers

You mean the Hollywood accent, the same as in all American movies, TV, media and English dubbing.

Yeah, that's my accent so I don't hear anything in their pronunciations. Even here, people are concerned that local dialects will soon dissapear. As a culture we look down on local dialects but look up to some "foriegn accents". But not German, they sound angry, or Spanish, they sound off too. Brazilians and Russians sound cute, French sound sexy, British sound intelligent, Asians, Indians, middle easterners, Canadians are all comic relief and not in a good way. The southern drawl sounds dumb, Bostonians and New Jersians sound like idiots. New Yorkers are funny, is hot.

SheShe has a tra.ns.atlantic accent, Ashley has the New York accent of a girl I once knew, it's super hot to me, no surprise. Misha has a very slight Asian hint but in a soft and demure way, it's hot. Joy sounds just a hint like someone from DC because that's where her character was from.

Gwen and Ren have my vanilla accent.

Fun topic!