Bear 09/21/2023 (Thu) 16:31 No.2024 del
(147.03 KB 618x618 this-is-fine.jpg)

Evaluate -> evacuate the witnesses.

Our records are pristine, we were innocent college students, good grades, positive members of society and we are the sweethearts to the police. Police are rarely used and they're just another manipulated asset to our disposal. We wouldn't call them, but guaranteed if they were called, they would side with us. Civil charges would be pressed and guaranteed there would be a settlement in our favor. Girl's "family attorney" is the partner of the firm who takes down corporate slimebags and never ever lost a case. They're $750-$1000 per hour but to us they're free, and part of the settlement would be lawyers fees.

My current group, she's part of it, and they're untouchable. There are other fun stories I'll share later.

Now you know that I'm a made man in that group but there's no escape either. Protected, but also physically caged. So I got two choices, accept it and be happy, or be depressed about it.

Me when shit goes down with my friends: this is fine.