Alice 09/23/2023 (Sat) 21:16 No.2052 del
Nah, just do what you like, you were the one coomplaining how shitty .info was, not us. I wonder how long until you ragequit again.

I just find it - boring. People used to be crazy and fun now they're just crazy. We could at least have made a coordinated return and pretend to be the same person. That would have been mildly interesting.

>Then I'll shoot the thing and probably miss the target by an eighth horse or 1/64th barn.
Don't worry about that. Shooting is a skill that requires special muscle memory that needs to be trained. Host hit nothing at his first attempts but quickly improved with a few hours of training under professional supervision. Get an instructor (or your cop friend) that watches and corrects your stance and grip and helps you to correct shooting errors for your first attempts. An hour is enough and you'll see massive improvement. Starting things the right way is much easier that correcting internalized bad habits later.