Bear 09/27/2023 (Wed) 15:48 No.2096 del

Bear is funnier, no doubt, but I will still subtract from the highest possible score for a technicality because Ashley is her own girl, she all growed up nao and can spek fo hurself.

I'm happy that I'm not the only one on the team providing the cringe.

[Ashley] I'm proud, proud I say! Damn proud! THANK YOU FOR THIS!

You don't become a grand-legendart GOAT system without this bullshit it takes an army. So, good girl.

Also, just so we're clear, Miri is the last surviving member not yet kicked out of the inner circle or who left voluntarily so we like her and always will but not in *that* way.

Hey, Alice, (not you Yakumo you German bastard) you are hereby bestowed membership into the inner circle of the Bear system with all rights privileges and protections it affords. We used to say this was non-refundable, non-mentally illferable, and non-revokable but it is under certain conditions:

1. The Reilyn clause - you become DID

2. The Mentally Ill clause - your host or yourself change gen.ders

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