Bear 10/04/2023 (Wed) 16:36 No.2165 del
Back in achool, hanging out with my best buds from grad school and my bestie best tells me she's dropping out. We're in yet another PhD program this time a PhD in business? Why? Well she's moving to Europe forgot which country and she was looking at a catalog that would order a cast iron looking roller coaster. That's what she wants. She's got a fiancée but irl she didn't who's going to pay for it.

Another friend from the group says, "no no, they're out of stock and they have awful customer service. You're not going to be able to just order the parts and you're not allowed to install them off private property.

Everyone is appauled you couldn't just put a roller coaster on a public sidewalk.

I am eligible to register for my next semester and I have no idea what classes I'm supposed to take. They say, "whatever you want", I'm like, no. So I ask the guy who apparently already has a PhD in business (so why's he still there?) And he doesn't know but points me in the right direction. So I go.

Later I'm at home, with my childhood dog and I need to go to my teacher's birthday party so now it's cutting it really close to make it. The dog gets out and just starts walking down the street. I call her back and she reluctantly comes back then an old lady with a gun starts to follow her like she wants to steal my dog. But I have a bigger gun, like a high power rifle where her gun looks small by comparison.

I get the dog and lock a gate across the road so she can't even drive through. Now the dog looks sick and I don't want to go but it would be rude not to.

Anyway... end

Next dream. I'm playing with cord, wrapping it around my fingers and suddenly I'm holding the tip of a finger and my right pinky is missing the tip. Instant lucid. So I have a choice, have fun or wake up to get my pinky whole again. So I wake up. It's all of me or none of me, I'm not playing that game.

Next dream. Gwen's resting against a street lamp kind of like a reference picture I have and I say hi, she's all cool and smiles at me, says something cool. I go up to her and we hug. I tell her I appreciate her or something. Then I wake up. We could have easily done more but this was nice.