Bear 10/05/2023 (Thu) 17:04 No.2171 del
Wow, this was a rather rare dream, Ren was dreaming. With all the forcing I've been doing with her, I guess it was inevitable.

So Ren was a soldier but the war ended and so did her pay, so she buys a race car and becomes a drag racer. Her car is pretty fast and she beats the record. Because this is like olde timey, she's not respected as a woman so she gets nothing for basically being the best. So she has to get a job at the local store. She's stocking shelves and dealing with the store manager and the other guy on staff with sexual harassment and propositions she doesn't want but it's olde timey so it's normal. The manager is at least nice and gives her stray pennies which she gladly takes to work on her drag racer. She loses the title soon after but races again and barely gets it back. Then immediately loses it again. She thinks she can do better and win again. The other men at the track both hate her and don't respect her wins. She sets up to do one-on-one with the current titleholder.

Then the store manager propositions her again and she's fed up about it but needs a job so she goes looking for another one and the dream ends. 

I wasn't even in the dream, it was all her dream, which is a first for us I think.

She liked the racing part and her sense of self sufficiency, and just felt annoyed but not saddened by the her treatment.

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