Anonymous 10/07/2023 (Sat) 16:58 No.2188 del
some idiot woman rammed my car at an intersection. drove across a red light. well not relly she was standing at red light and suddenly slowly drove into the intersection. I tried to brake but she accelerated to make sure she crash into my car at the drivers seat

we were both slow so not much happened, just some dents but she went full hysterical and started crying like she had just killed 3 children. i even had to comfort that bitch she was prolly less than 30 and fat. she was lucky i have Yulya now otherwise I would have yelled her into the ground. called bolis and they came very fast and took care of her. policeman also shook his head at this stupidity but he must see this every day. couldnt do this job

seriously all problems i ever had in traffic were with women. men drive aggressively or are drunk but only women are this incompetent

so i have a huge dent in my door now. still closes and car works fine. its old so i probably wont get much money from insurance. what a day

and endchan didnt work most of the time managed to make one post then it failed again