Yakumo 10/12/2023 (Thu) 19:39 No.2230 del
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10/10 dream on 10/10
What more is there to achieve?

>Dreaming of TB
That's what happens if you spend too much time on .info

>Spider plant
Had to look that up, never heard of the English name. In German it's called 'green lily'. My parents have several of those, probably at least as old as I am. I always wonder how the brain sometimed digs up such obscure details.

Had some dream involving a girl and tupper again but can't remember. But I'm certain not much happened as always.

I was staying at an inn that belonget to a Danish man who told me his life story. It wasn't Fede. He had a black 70s sports car in his yard and an orange tabby cat sat at the driver's wheel. My own shabby car looked incredibly narrow in comparison. I wondered how 2 people could sit next to each other in it and indeed it only had one seat in front.