Bear 10/14/2023 (Sat) 02:49 No.2242 del

Finally someone with an iq over 60 thank you for brightening my day.

>you dont even get into a school where they take the test unless your super smart so its all staged

Worse bro, the Chicoms *pay* to get 800 on GRE math, serious. They have moles take the test all look the same anyway, don't need fake id. You get these rich kids, nice but retard into the grad program and they bring the average down. Ok, so listen I was in the PhD program at one of the top 7 schools, scholarships and work paid, and who were the top students? Asians? Hahaha they didn't pass, not two. I was barely in the top 25% white mutt, gerpolrushun, the top students were Russians and Northern European. Not Asians, not two fucking mexicans or blacks in the whole grad school program of 500 people trust me. All the asians save one couldn't make it to finals. I did, I got the degrees (2x masters fuck phd, I settled) I saw a rainbow coalition on day 1 and on day 100 nothing but Northern euros, Ruskies, Norwegian mofos, a surfer dude, a fat nerd (mah fwends) and that's it. 3 Americans, all the rest foreign, 1 asian, that's it. Also had two rus fwends (girls) and a Ukrainian girl. Man we had fun. Lots of drinking.

SAT is highschool, if you can't ace hs if you try you're not even good enough for McyD's. You're homeless. I got 3.6 in hs without doing any fucking thing. It was stupid. Didn't care. Got into state, then 3rd in my class and on to the ivy league.

>throw wawy and get new one is always cheaper

You can thank US and our economic policies for that. While we're printing money and giving it to all the plebs under 60 iq, they're buying every retard's dream used cars and draining the market of electronics, raising food prices with their morbid obesity. They'll be my first target practice when the war starts, got to get me a chicom gun and wear gloves.

It's our fault, so fucking invade US, I dare you, whoever you are. I can't wait to taste that looooong pig when everyone else is starving to death and eating maggots out of corpses. (After the bombs drop). Anyway, my luck is I pick the timeline where this bs just continues like nothings wrong till I'm a ripe old age. Crankier by the day as my bloodlust never saits.

No offense tamaroo, you're smort, just don't be so race supremacist, that's Dr. Alice san's Job.