Bear 10/14/2023 (Sat) 20:55 No.2249 del

No, u r not tamaroo, tamaroo is tamaroo, didn't you know?


It's an eclipse, a solar eclipse. A harbinger of the coming doom and I can't f'ing wait.

No son, I need the chicom gun pryed from the ungloved hands of an actual chicom so I can use it to take out the worthless eaters and blame the enemy combatants.

Also, hs is highschool, you know, like the girl on the bodypillow you snuggle up to at night. I don't judge, just so you understand.

Let me just say, it's so refreshing to not be talking to normies. If I could only be over 60 IQ enough to decipher 4chan ecaptcha fuck my mongoloid brain.


Omg that thing looks hideous! A turtle of some kind. The girl's kinda mid though. I have a spot in my heart for Vietnamese mixed with whitey, those hybrids are hot af. Otherwise they kinda look like doods but so does Gretta Thrumberg and girl is white so idk.

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