Bear 10/14/2023 (Sat) 23:00 No.2253 del

This time someone accused another user on the normie site of being me because she defended me to some bitch and another user agreed. These are people I was friendly with but they didn't like my shit posting. The other girl they accused of being me barely ever posted there anyway. So huh? Well RIP that place it was mongoloid central anyway.

So when someone shares some of my values or tries to defend me, they must be me because I'm indefensible right? It's just stupid. It pissed me off for a few seconds and left me with this like funk feeling so fuck them with a cactus or whatever Ashley said.

The site was already active, they didn't need my help, but I brought games there that people played and got to know each other better well you're welcome fuck-faces.

Fucking site had no dark mode either, totally unforgivable.