Bear 10/15/2023 (Sun) 19:10 No.2260 del

>Never seen a solar eclipse either. Was it visible in the sky?

Yes, I had welding goggles and my and the gang saw it but it's not like you're seeing anything but a silhouette.

>Hahaha yeah nobody beats you at this job.

You know I'm just being a troll, in my HS the top half of the graduating class were all Asians. In fact there were many pages of people last name: Nguyen. Page after page of kids all with GPA 5.0 or close to it, all surnames the same. There were 3500 kids in the graduating class and the area was upper middle class sprawling suburbia so the median was something like 4.2 GPA which is higher than straight A's. I had 3.6 which was still good enough. I only lived there for 4 years but it was mostly Asian, mostly Vietnamese. Funny the first time I ever saw an Asian outside of kindergarten was there. My earlier childhood was a coastal community that I was away from for that time in HS, so there it was 80% white and 20% Hispanic with literally 1 black kid.