Yakumo 10/15/2023 (Sun) 20:42 No.2262 del
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(36.05 KB 500x347 last arab.jpg)
Show me one stereotype that isn't statistically true. It's simply a fact that there are enormous differences between races and they're mostly cultural. Asian parents care about their kids education, niggers and sandniggers don't and their kids linger on the streets and rob people or deal with drugs. Don't blame me for it, it is as it is.

We don't really have a lot of Asians here bit in Soviet occupied East Germany they hired a lot of workers from Vietnam. Commie North Vietnamese, while you mostly got the pro-US South Vietnamese in the US. It made no difference, both were named Nguyen. These people were piss poor and barely had any skills but they worked hard, learned German and made damn sure their kids got a proper education. They didn't live off welfare, didn't rob and rape locals on the street, formed youth gangs or carried out terrorist attacks. And that's the difference to arabs and niggers. It's not about foreigners or immigrants, it's about useless scum from certain cultures that's not just unusable but an outright hazard and fundamentally incompatible with our civilization.