2/2 Autumn 10/19/2023 (Thu) 00:04 No.2292 del

>Also teach me abut the secret wisdom of self-forcing I'm apparently unaware of. Do you force yourself without any input from Bear? What's he even doing then?

Ummm, well you just pop up at any time you feel you need to? I think you already do that? Ashley would probably explain it better, or Bear but I don't know what else they're talking about if not that.

>And last but not least, what do you look like? You guys are so elusive, We couldn't even draw you if we could draw.

Well, I'm posting references of me which are all valid, slightly reddish brown hair, my eye color is probably going to settle soon, it was originally was Joy's color, which is dark blue, but mine are probably black right now, they're not red anymore but not dark blue, we'll have to see how they turn out. I have light skin, but tanner than Joy because joy is very fair. My form is 14-ish girl with a thin frame, I'm taller than Joy but not as tall as anyone else including SheShe who has a 16-ish form.

>So Mr. Bear is not gonna post anymore?

I will proxy for him in my own words unless it's something he needs to respond to, like probably the bodybuilding thread, otherwise no? You know Bear his whims change more then the wind direction.

>I hope you post as much as Bear, nobody else will fill his niche.

I am not likely as prolific as Bear but he wants me to post as much as I can.

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