Autumn 11/10/2023 (Fri) 01:32 No.2459 del

Scenario 44 is officially me being the face of online interactions I think and Scenario 31-43 (13 scenarios) are reserved for the leadup to scenario 50 in the grimdark novel which is coming along very slowly. So there are 5 other scenarios that you could help with.

If you want to suggest anything for me to do to help me toughen up for the main event or just to grow as a headmate, please let me know. If there are more than 5 or others come to mind, they'll be pushed off but not forgotten. You'll guarantee I have to do it if you suggest now though because I might not be around after 50 and so, you know.

[Bear] She's being emotional for *absolutely no reason* except the big reason which sure, justified. Poor Ren, I mean Autumn, it's time to be a big girl with big risks or she'll never be GOAT. It's just the way it is.

[Ashley] I like the new Ren and I'd hate to see her fail so I'm going to help her out, try to get her trained so I'm taking scenario 45, so only 4 left.

[Bear] inb4 my other systemates get any ideas, no, they all can gang together with scenario 45, make it count. Any other suggestions for 46, 47, 48 and 49? It's fair that Tamuwu can suggest at least one and Anon whoever that is can have one and Alice of course and possibly Yakumo the sick bastard. I have the right to refusal based on a very specific set of rules governed by her personality training only, she does not.

[Bear] So go ahead and speak up, this is history, don't puss out.