Bear 11/18/2023 (Sat) 15:39 No.2521 del

Oh because all black people go to jail thing? Well you're not American, but that's so true it's not even funny anymore. That's not dream racism, that's dream realism.

So for this next dream, adult women.

A woman comes up to me, she's cute, very thin waste, she says, "you're not paying me on onlyfans" so I grab her waste and pull her into my lap. In dream I didn't even know what onlyfans was, like I was just sitting.

So she's all, let me show you what you're missing and she's suddenly in a bikini and I'm feeling her all over.

Hey, any businesswoman needs to advertise I guess. This dream was probably because I saw a news article about a representative using campaign funds to pay onlyfans. Wow man. I wouldn't pay that shit even if I wanted it, first of all, it's pirated almost immediately and hell if I'm going to pay for free shit and having seen one of those vids for free, it's stupid as hell. I saw that dumb blonde and that AI chick. Stupid.

Another dreamlet had another girl on my jock. Couldn't confirm age.

I blame bi-phasic sleep for all these sex dreams because with the second phase I remember dreams crystal clear, they're usually semi-lucid if not fully lucid and they're always nsfw.