Yakumo 11/26/2023 (Sun) 15:12 No.2590 del
(86.03 KB 1200x1067 tupper diary.jpg)
Another childhood crush dream.

We were outdoors with several people and I was picking up some stuff that belonged to me from the ground and put it in my backpack. She was sitting nearby but completely ignored me on purpose and looked away. This was awkward and I tried to hurry up and leave.

But then she got up, sat down beside me and with a smile handed me a large notebook that read 'Catgirl diary'. It was a girlish diary of - apparently her catgirl tupper. I was very surprised that she had a tupper as well but then I thought this is a tupper school so of course everyone has tuppers, silly me!

The diary was now wrapped like a present and she exitedly urged me to unwrap and read it. I was very glad but too glad so I woke up while unwrapping it. Damn, I wanted to read her tupper progress report so bad. I only remember there were some childish crayon drawings of a brown haired catgirl that suspiciously looked very much like Autumn/Ren on the cover.