Bear 12/06/2023 (Wed) 11:02 No.2672 del

No, it only goes from fall to spring to mild summer. The lowest daytime temperature I've ever seen here is 14 weak euro temp units. At night maybe a week or 10 days it might get to 1 weak euro temp unit. The grass can sometimes get a crunch to it, the roofs might look a little frosty, my windshield may need a little scraping. The plants are usually fine, the bugs are usually fine.

In the summer, you might see a heatwave where temps are 32 wedu but at night it's still always going to be below 19 wedus because the water is something like 17-18c except for rare instances in August/September where it could be 20. It's okay to surf without a wetsuit or springsuit from june to october. Outside of that your toes get numb in about half an hour.