Bear 12/14/2023 (Thu) 12:40 No.2740 del
I'm dissapointed.

Not just with our buddy Tamuro's dream but ironically with hookup culture here.

So I talked to a girl yesterday. Not trying to rizz her up, just talk. She's okay looking, not my type though. She's too young anyway, early twenties. Look, when I'm 40 and she's 29, perfect but I don't want anything to do with anyone under 29 again. There's a whole lotta drama there. Too many times for one Bear. She needs to be established and clear headed, not whatever. Not my point, let's move on.

Ok ok, first, a backstory. Another girl, she's talking about intuition. Great, love the subject. She says she knew someone had died, who was it?! I'm all ears, metaphysical good shit, no complaints.

She says it feels like it's someone she's romantically involved with. Oh really? Do go on. She says she contacted her ex and a few others "anyone she could think of"... uh a few others you're romantically involved witg? Then she says, a friend calls her a few days later, like 4 days later and says the guy she "has a romantic relationship with currently" died 4 days ago. So wait, she's in a relationship, doesn't even contact the guy for days and he doesn't even come to mind when thinking of who might be dead.

Wtf? I don't understand something here.

Okay back to chickie. She says she doesn't have a bf, ok ok, so obviously she's opening the door for me here, girls don't say that unless. I'm flattered but not interested. She then says she's tired of the typical guys. I like her now, not in that way, but good for her. Then she talks about a gut she just hooked up with and might see again. Full stop.

[Ashley] ole Bear just shuts down, like unresponsive at this point, he can't thonk of anything to say, so ok, a I switch in and try to navigate to the closest possible exit to this conversation without offending Bear's day job coworker and get away without any commitment to ever speak to her again. "Oh dear what time is it? I have a meeting. Gotta go, nice to meetcha, glad to see ya, good luck with that. Bub-bye." *shudders* people are disgusting.