Alice 12/29/2023 (Fri) 10:23 No.2897 del
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Several dumb dreams.
First host father complained host mom left expired food everywhere in the house and host had to clean it out. Then there were light brown mice everywhere. Host thought they were gerbils first but they were mice. The cats dashed around the house and killed them but more kept coming and the floor was full of dead and half-eaten mice.

I was only in the last dream, we were on a mission with a Steve Irwin -tier adventurer/scientist and some mercenaries and we were looking for fruit of a super-rare tree that was kept in a vault of a research facility. They had the only specimen and kept it locked up and we needed fruit to propagate it. You know, host-tier dream.
Things went well and we opened the vault but this set off an alarm. A guard aproached so we sent our generic Ensign Ricky and he pulled off some horribly melodramatic acting in front of the guard which made everyone facepalm. Host dragged him away apologizing to the guard that the guy had mental problems, forgot to take his meds and had set off the alarm and we were there to apprehend him. Miraculously this worked, managed to get back to a parking lot where our car was. Host, me and the guy who kept bragging how he had saved the mission. I gave him a candy bar to shut him up thinking how we had only few of those bars and I wanted them for myself, not to be eaten by that idiot.

So I did what any good tupper would do and lured him to a nearby bridge to enjoy the view. Before he could eat his, no MY candy bar, I kicked him down right into the mouth of a big croc that swallowed him whole. That was - satisfying. But I couldn't find the candy bar afterwards so our mission was only a partial succcess.