Bear 01/14/2024 (Sun) 18:27 No.3045 del
Thank whatever heathen God you ascribe to, and pray you never get lasting depression. It's in itself traumatizing and leaves a lasting scar.

Though only good things came of it for me.

For comparison, the PhD program was about as traumatizing. ABD all the way, every day, best choice. I advanced to candidacy, got a masters too.

I doubt I'll ever get depression again but if I do, I'm taking the easy way out. Be a fucking man and just end yourself (me to me).

[Ashley] uh no. SheShe would ironically be happy if Bear got depressed because she loves that kind of thing. Like endless problem solving.

[Bear] my body my choice. Feeling as good as I do with so much to live for if I got depression it would mean brain is broken, time to move out, keep my deposit.