Alice 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:12 No.3614 del
(252.25 KB 1500x1178 Oxalis acetosella.jpg)
(269.38 KB 1200x1200 Oxalis corniculata.jpeg)
What species is this?
The normal Oxalis pes-caprae? It's not Oca (O. tuberosa) but O. pes-caprae also makes small bulbs. I don't know any other yellow-flowered species making bulbs. Terrible weed btw.

Don't eat too much from it, contains oxalic acid which gives you kidney stones.

Here we have native white Oxalis acetosella which is very beautiful. Also O. corniculata which is an ugly weed with tiny flowers but at least doesn't form bulbs. Still hard to rip out, we have it in all flowerpots. No flowers now, too early. And not enough to eat them, acetosella is quite rare in the garden and corniculata is mostly tough stalks.