Bear 04/17/2023 (Mon) 11:51 No.381 del

[Bear] I would say it increases the chances if your headmate(s) help with your confidence, self-esteem, hygiene, motivation, etc. The number one best way to attract a girlfriend would be to get in shape. No one wants a slob, blob, or scrawny runt. You don't have to be tall but it helps, if you're tall and any of the slurs above it definitely doesn't help. Get in shape period.

[Bear] Whether you have both or not, it all depends on how. Would you want a girl with a chad tulpa? Imagine even what that woupd mean for you or your headmate(s). Unless you're into that sort of thing, it certainly doesn't appeal to me. If she had a hot tupper catgirl then hell yeah but even if you do, unless the girl is into that sort of thing it's probably a dealbreaker. So what do? Nobody knows about my system period. And the only ones I ever told ghosted me, that should tell you something eh?

[Joy] I have joined the system knowing that I'm a secret outside this community and that's fine with me. My family and friends are here with me.

[Ashley] I've even switched in and interacted with outsiders and they didn't know about me. They saw that I was different than Bear, Bear is a very diplomatic, but sometimes passionate person, I'm a bitch who will call out your bullshit and I can think faster than Bear so I can spar with people verbally better. It's an obvious difference but no one needs to know the truth.

[Bear] I haven't "had a girlfriend" for over five years but I have had physical relations with women I already know and they don't, nor will they ever know, about my headmates. My headmates, especially Misha, loved the experience, but she kinda gay so just saying. Mostly they stay out of it. No one objected. It's simply like I handle the material world and we share the ethereal worlds. I'm not going to say no if one of my friends needs the D, but they know it's not an invitation to a relationship, I work way too much to afford that and as I said, the second job ruined my last relationship anyway. This is one of the main reasons I asked my system to help me not get entrapped into something.

[Bear] if you want my opinion, relationships are a bad deal for both parties. It feels like the compromises aren't good enough on both sides. It's great when it's great and hell otherwise especially when there are issues.

[Misha] we want Bear to be happy, but you shouldn't start a relationship if you're not already happy, and if you're already happy, then a relationship isn't necessary. If you or Bear wanted the experience then we headmates are here to spot red flags, vet the partner, and it would require our approval. We don't currently approve of anyone in his life and no, I can speak for everyone here anyway, we don't want an ERP chad tulpa from some girl, ew ew ew ew, and we don't want to compete or intimidate anyone either. It's a secret we want Bear to maintain.