Bear 04/18/2023 (Tue) 20:40 No.410 del

I knew you'd say Glock, how could I have guessed that? It was my second choice.

I myself am surprised the DP-12 is legal in the place where I'm living given the fact that this place is crazy progressive liberal loonies. It's so bad that I literally don't have any friends who know shit about guns. I used to of course but not anymore.

The handgun is up in the air. After what you said I'll probably go with number 2 on my list and nix the 1911 as a preliminary choice, the G17 9x19 is now my first choice. As you said, I've also gleened from videos. Some gun ranges rent guns so that might work out otherwise I can handle pretty much anything I'm sure.

The training is no big deal. I already planned on the cleaning and repair myself, having spare parts is a great idea.

I see like 1000 round boxes are maybe $150 which isn't too bad as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for the help.