Bear 05/01/2024 (Wed) 17:41 No.4129 del
My friend got training at her work regarding the state emergency systems and it was extremely detailed and the official giving the presentation/training was adamant that this is how it is.

1. In the case of region wide emergency, don't expect any services for 3 to 6 months. No water trucks, no FEMA, no emergency shelters, no police, no medical care, no stores, no supplies.

2. Get 55 gallon drums and stockpile clean water. (I can, but how can someone living in an apartment do that?)

3. Have 3-6 months supply of food.

4. Get protection.

5. Have a contact out of state and go there any way you can. (We're talking 300 miles away, so basically the entire range of a car just drive.)

6. Don't expect roads to be open, (contradicts 5 but you know. Trail of tears 2 I guess.)

Lots of others but you see where this is going. You're on your own, good luck and stay out of the fucking way of military and police.

This is the most honest, grounded, and reasonable official recognition of the truth I've heard, I'm relieved that someone has thought this through and isn't just promising bullshit and rainbows.

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