1/2 Joy the Acting Human 05/01/2024 (Wed) 23:30 No.4135 del

>Honestly I dont mind her being more independent and it does make things more interesting thats all cool but we still are a party

I am not seeing anything wrong with this statement though it seems contradictory to other statements previously made. I can say so far we are all in agreement.

>and I do not see her side of the compromise

Please see #3 paragraph 3, ignore what has been previously assumed and make an peace offering.

If you want a starting point, she asked that quest payouts be granted to her, this is usually a small amount compared to loot. She is also interested in a portion of loot so she can eventually afford to level up and in the long term get shapeshifting material. In the shorter term, to pay back the team in any way she can so she can claim to be self-sufficient and not a burden. With the understanding that she will lend coin if asked to afford things for the team that are necessary, especially important to the early game.

>We need to work together as a team and that's really hard if she constantly does things on a whim

She has expressed interest in curtailing her shenanigans. I will help throttle her if I am able from this moment forward, she has asked me to help her and I will do what I can. Pending an agreement and no lingering animosity.

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