Yulya's Dreams 2.5/3 Joy the DM 05/20/2024 (Mon) 23:42 No.4362 del
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The wind picks up, it's a strange gust, smooth, cold, you can sense the mana in the air, a dark wind, an evil presence.

"What's that?" Ashley says and points up.

You look up and there's an ominous swirl in the sky splitting the sky and clouds and seemingly turning day to night in the midst; a purple and green hued vortex and a foul laughter on the wind.

Ashley and SheShe scramble to their feet and their blanket is caught by the wind, dashed off like a leaf in a storm. They hold each other and a bolt of lightning cracks down from the vortex knocking them both to the ground, followed by insidious laughter of a raven haired woman with red glowing eyes. She reaches out a bony hand and grabs Ashley in a glowing violet aura, her clothes fall off her like rags and she's lifted into the air and drawn into the vortex.

You're speechless and desperate to do something, you try to cast something but your mana is depleted, or it's as if you never had any at all.

The vortex closes as the evil laughter fades and the wind warms and then stops. SheShe's laying on the ground, her eyes open, staring at the sky, and she's steaming from where the lightning struck her. You reach down to her, kneeling at her side but your hands go right through her, no, your hands aren't physical but one thing is clear, SheShe's life has been extinguished.

Your heart aches, you're in shock and pained severely you look around for help but no one is coming, no one around you has even noticed, you look back at SheShe and she's lighter, no, she's glowing. Her body raises and you feel a new presence... hers, the fragile person before you, lifeless and mortally injured woman grows large golden wings from her back and she begins to stir again, new life has breathed into her from some unknown source. She looks around and sees you.

Yulya speaks desperately, "SheShe, please help her, she was taken through a dark vortex in the sky, I can't be sure but it could have been the Raven Queen."

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