Yulya 05/21/2024 (Tue) 23:46 No.4376 del
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Yulya awakes shaken from the weird dreams unsure how much of that was a dream and what is reality. she hopes she wont have to try out that revive skill soon. Not that the party could afford it. Yulya still says a prayer to SheShe.
Yulya stares at Ashley for a moment wondering what exactly she is and what place she came from. As Ashley notices the stare Yulya mutters:
Oh thanks again for yesterday Ashley. I am - to good natured to look through such schemes especially from children. Despite my wisdom level. Maybe I do not want to see how bad people really are.
Yulya is takling more to herself now. She decides to tell Ashley about her dream later when she is in a better mood.

Yulya reads the notice in the guild hall but cant make much sense of it. Bounty huntin gand poisoning people is not really on the partys agenda but double-checking quests sounds like a good idea. Especially since yesterdays encounter at the spa. Yulya daydreams about her hermit life in the cabin away from all the troublesome people.''

Arriving at the cart Yulya greets Gundren and Sildar
Good morning gentlemen! We are ready for departure she looks at a tired Ashley well more or less!

Yulya turns to the party members. Everything packed and distributed as we planned? Waterskins filled?