Alice 05/24/2024 (Fri) 00:40 No.4385 del
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Alice looks at the old headscarf-wearing refugee woman and her children with disdain
Subhumans! Feed and rescue them and let them into your cities and they will destroy your civilization.

>Sildar says to Gundren, I envy the horses, look at them, unfazed by their plight. The horses have it easy, they'll sleep well tonight, their ignorance shields them from thoughts of this tragedy.
Alice nods in agreement while thinking to herself,
To me, you are the ignorant horse, Mr. Sildar. You know nothing of the horrors that lurk beyond the stars. To me, you are the horse!

>Ashley crawls in the back and is soon asleep, completely ignoring the noise, vibration and anything else. To the rest of you, sitting in the cart is as uncomfortable as sitting on a gravel quarry industrial rock tumbler.
Even though she has no bones, Alice doesn't take the journey in the rock tumbler well and becomes sick from bouncing around in the cart.
What kind of stone-age vehicle is this? Why doesn't it have any suspension? Are the people all monkeys in this world?

Alice thinks about introducing Gundren to the world of leaf springs but realizes the crash destroyed most of her knowledge along with her original body. Exhausted she barely witnesses the mountain lion attack but later decides to walk after the cart clutching to her spear to avoid the shaking.

Like Yulya, Alice is glad to arrive at their destination for the day. Still wobbling uncontrollable in the rhythm of the cart, Alice falls flat on her back, taking a nap while waiting for Cat to prepare dinner and totally ignoring Ashley's and Yulya's ruckus.