Alice 05/26/2024 (Sun) 18:26 No.4400 del
(2.33 MB 480x240 slime lapse.gif)
>something foul has overtaken the lands south of Neverwinter.
Alice sneezes in her sleep making the gooey slime blob briefly hop an inch into the air. It continues its sleep with low frequency pulsations dreaming of synthesizing the perfect leaf spring alloy composition

>The stew soon develops an alluring scent. Cat fans it towards Alice and into the tent with her paws knowing that Alice and Yulya haven't eaten.
Alice's chemoreceptors go wild and the slime increases its pulsation rate, sending out tendrils into the direction of the pot. Soon the gooey blob creeps toward cat at an astonishing speed and slowly morphs itself into a little girl upon arriving there which eagerly stares at the food. Yukata and mask are left behind near the tent