Joy the DM 05/29/2024 (Wed) 02:14 No.4422 del
(46.46 KB 351x626 Ashley Panther4.jpg)
(157.19 KB 900x720 Musk_Oxen.jpg)

Ashley Panther hisses in a frustrating tone, you can follow the movement of this thing, whatever it is, by tracking her gaze. Its approaching the Eastern reach of the cleared field.

Yulya steps over to where Alice is dragging her things and steps on them with her foot, halting Alice's progress.

Cat watches her carefully and sees she's being cautious.

Yulya taps Gundren on the shoulder and points at Ashley Panther.

Gundren notes this scene unfolding and then alone with others hears and sees Ashley Panther's gaze and behavior.

"It's back boys," Gundren says as they stare off into the darkness.

A young driver sitting by the fire looks confused, "What's back?"

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