Alice 05/30/2024 (Thu) 20:33 No.4445 del
>Everyone's filled with dread and fear except one peculiar purple Panther
Ok, we must talk about Alice's stats. According to the character sheet, Alice's background feat 'soulless' states that she has resistance to psychic and charm attacks. But the puny liquid form has no immunity against it since it is still more a living creature than a machine.

To clarify, Alice has no resistance to status conditions if they have a physical background, like exhaustion or nausea and is not a robot. She can also suffer from apathy or be angry but this has to come from a physical source or within her mind. Casting fear on her should at least meet some serious resistance, same with charm. Because, well, soulless is soulless. She can however be charmed by simply persuading her as she lacks common sense, and has a penalty on int checks on top of her low int stats. Unfortunately I'm pretty dumb in this form.

Still working on the evolution tree, maybe it will be finished this weekend. Not that it will be relevant anytime soon.