Joy the DM 05/30/2024 (Thu) 22:29 No.4447 del
>Everyone not immune to fear

If you are immune to fear, then congratulations.

You are not apparently immune to emotions.

[Ashley] Meanwhile next dragon "everyone is enraged, those who are already prone to being enraged are now paralyzed."

>soulless is soulless

Those who have animal nature have fight or flight, down to the smallest of organisms. If you have flight, you have fear. Having fear and immune to Frightened debuff are not mutually exclusive.

I see on your Soulless trait you have resistance to psychic damage and charm, fear is not mentioned. I will allow you the courtesy to add that but it was not included that I could find it.

I believe Ashley Panther is immune to fear Ashley has "fearless" as a personality trait and the panther has the same personality, so are her summons as they are extensions of her left in the negative plane.

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