Bear 05/31/2024 (Fri) 01:27 No.4452 del
(8.71 KB 969x530 perfection.jpg)
>I wasted all evening trying to generate an image

I measure beautiful art by it's ability to stand the test of time. It may be beautiful, you may love it, cherish it, obsess over it the first time you see it but almost always by the 100th time you will only ever see flaws. It will never be the same as that first time, and so it's a good measure of art, not the first time you see it, the 100th.

Those weak at art waste all evening looking for perfection through AI. But they never knew, or perhaps forget, that art isn't about perfection, a blank sheet of white paper is always perfect and it's as perfect as it's ever going to be. An artist's only job is therefore to take that paper and make scribbles on it that are in some way moving, in some way motivating, or in some way pleasant, but perfection is impossible and was never the goal. The paper was already perfect. The goal is to make it imperfect in a very particular way.

This blank image is everything and nothing, it's a fractal dragon riding a unicorn on a endless sandy beach during a ring of fire eclipse just as much as it's an apple with a monarch butterfly alit, as much as it's a poem sung by angels. It's a masterpiece of simplicity, unmatched grace, unparalleled in every way, and the scribbles people put to it will always pale by comparison.

So AI art is fatally flawed, it will never come close to perfection, not ever. It can't conceive of it, it can't because it was never programmed to. Our imagination is something AI can never hope to achieve. This blank page is my masterpiece, my Magnum Opus it's priceless, but I give it freely, and I can never do better no matter how long I work or how hard I try. It takes no time, it requires no references, yet the 100th time I look at it, it's just as perfect as the 1st time.