1/2 Ashley's Dream Joy the DM 05/31/2024 (Fri) 01:48 No.4453 del
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She's standing, naked as usual, surrounded by foul smelling necrotic rats and ooze dripping giant wasps in front of a grand expanse of gears and mechanisms of insane complexity, a gigantic watch-like matrix of brass gears and gems. She sees the Raven Queen standing large but dwarfed by this grand mechanism, and she looks frustrated.

A bright, brilliant, and terrifyingly beautiful being of light descends on golden wings. She's Equal in stature to the Raven Queen but her light nearly washes out the Goddess of Death.

This angelic being, none other than SheShe, touches the mechanism and it yawns and engulfs the Raven Queen in watch springs, gears and gen studded bars. Her angry screech is deafening.

A doorway opens in this monstrous mechanism and another goddess-like being steps out from the doorway.

SheShe takes her hands and soon together their mana bathes Ashley in a deep orange light, that of metal soaking in a forge's heat then it's quenched by the violet remnants of the Raven Queen's curse.

The negative plane opens through this doorway and her summons run off, replaced by others coming through the portal. A merging of clockwork metal and nature, unrivaled abominations that the simple undead cannot dream of achieving.

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