Stuck Joy the DM 06/02/2024 (Sun) 15:33 No.4486 del
(470.41 KB 1440x2048 Ashley11.jpg)
(175.25 KB 2560x1600 Chained Girl.webp)
(181.40 KB 1920x1080 Massive Cart.jpg)

All's clear, its a pleasant and scenic morning on the trail, and the horses know just how to go. They turn and begin to ride off the main road onto a mud packed road of ruts, puddles with cracked muddy edges and hard dirt.

Not even 10 paces in, Ashley notices another cart coming North along the High Road.

"Whoa whoa, check this out." She gets Yulya's attention to see a massive cart pulled by two large Rothés laden with supplies and trailed by a line of at least a dozen barefoot human children in decent clothing, mostly dresses because they're mostly girls, you would consider them dressed for school or even church, chained neck to neck and foot to foot by two long runs of chain with periodic shackles, awkwardly marching and occasionally tripping on the gravel of the high road. They're dirty from the waste down by the gravel dust and grime of the road stirred up by the large wheels and some look injured. Scrapes can be seen on their their legs amid bruises. Atop the cart is a driver in scale mail and an unaffiliated guard wearing plate.

The cart is going a grueling pace for walking and the children are nearly being tugged by the chains as they keep up. One falls and quickly gets back up before being dragged, a fresh scrape on her leg as a result. They look exhausted.

Yulya's attention shifted to this scene and instinctively pulled the reigns causing the horses to halt. [1d20=1] Unfortunately as they stop the cart [1d20=16] it falls into a medium sized rut which will have to be dealt with.

[A medium sized rut has a good chance of being pulled free: everyone off, someone coaxes the horses to pull and the cart usually comes out of it. Medium ruts are routinely just rolled over without an issue but if the cart stops that requires a little more work. No significant time is lost but there is a small chance of damage to the cart without special precautions. Those precautions are entirely up to you.]

With determination in their eyes, the Rothés pull at a consistent pace and are now within 100 yards of your momentarily stuck cart.